According to Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Lt. Adam Reed, law enforcement has seen an increase in the number of firearms ...
A gun stolen from your car is more than a hassle, it could be dangerous or even put you in hot water with the police.
Portsmouth and Norfolk are among the worst cities in the U.S. for gun thefts from vehicles, but Richmond is worse.
MNPD stated that the weapon used in the fatal shooting at Red Caboose Park had been stolen. Yahoo Sports ...
QCN video shows the moment officers pulled their guns out along with a set of hands sticking out of the sunroof.
BRADENTON, Fla. — Bradenton police are warning residents to lock up their cars after a jump in the number of vehicle burglaries. It’s a trend seen before in Bradenton and across the country by law ...
Three teen suspects were arrested after they allegedly stole and broke into multiple vehicles during what police called a ...
A crew of four broke into 20 cars and made off with 10 guns. The sheriff warns it's a prime source of guns used in crimes.
Brandon McManus allegedly sexually assaulted two flight attendants on the team's charter flight to London for a game last ...
A search of the vehicle revealed not only the presence of marijuana but also the presence of heroin, 1.5 pounds of ...
Some teens got into a fight near the Rooster Days festival in Broken Arrow Thursday night, and police said that led to shots ...
In the most significant auto theft investigation to date, 369 stolen vehicles were recovered in an operation based out of ...