New Earth-sized planet discovered next to star that will outlive the Sun - Scientists say Speculoos-3 b exoplanet orbits a ...
Astronomers have discovered an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting a star with a lifespan 100 times greater than the Sun. Speculoos-3b is 55 light years away – more then 10 times further than the ...
Astronomers have discovered an Earth-size planet orbiting an ultracool red dwarf star similar in size to Jupiter. The red dwarf, located some 55 light-years away, is 100 times less bright than the ...
Two teams of scientists have discovered a theoretically habitable planet, smaller than Earth but bigger than Venus, orbiting ...
Astronomers have discovered an Earth-size planet that is showered with so much radiation, its atmosphere eroded away long ago, leaving it bare. Life as we know it can't exist on this blistering ...